Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Beauty and Biodiversity of Belchertown

Celebrate our landscapes, natural history, and the fantastic variety of life that shares this great town with us!  Draw, write, share!!

The Belchertown Biodiversity project (supported by the Toyota Tapestry grant) includes getting the word out about the beauty that surrounds us ...  mammals, frogs, salamanders, snakes, oaks, maples, hickories, blueberries, squirrels and those great squiggly things in the water!

Choose your favorite spot, draw, photograph, or paint a landscape and name the season.  Or get up close and personal with the plants, land or water animals or fungi or algae, (even soil, stones, and fallen leaves are fair game!), get drawing and name it!

Sit in a quiet space and wait for inspiration ... it won't take long!  Write a poem or 2 celebrating the beauty of this great town.  Include a word or two describing the habitat, landscape, rocks, plants, or animals that make Belchertown a great place to live and explore.

Hydra, with symbiotic algae making it green

Dragonfly larva
Pond plant (or tree or coral?  or just a really interesting pattern?)

We'll be looking into a great space (or two) for public display of the artwork come spring.  So give it your best effort and nominate yourself as an ambassador to Belchertown ecotourism ... folks from other places would love to get to see the landscapes and critters who share your backyard with you!

Stay tuned for more information about format, subject categories and submission dates.

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