Thursday, January 26, 2012

February 9 - Pull on your Boots, Layer up the wool!

Kid to Teen Ecomentors   ...  let's brave the cold (and maybe mud) to go in search of winter life.  Help us look for tracks, feathers, fur or scat, check up on the beaver and sc-c-c-coop some water to see if there's anything still moving around in there!

Have your parent email MsLevy  ( with permission to join us (and permission to be escorted from CHCS or SRE)

Thursday February 9 from 3-5pm, starting at the Belchertown Teen Center.

Friday, January 6, 2012

We got mentioned!

There's no doubt about it ... the Belchertown Land Trust Technology Grant helped get the Toyota Tapestry grant started.  Let's hear it for Spring - and some major excursions over to Lake Wallace to get lots of kids excited about exploring and sharing!  You've got to know where to are in order to care about it.

We'll want some snow on the ground for the next Kid-to-Teen Ecomentors event ... start doing your snow-dance!